Builders-IOT creates corporate and commercial web portals. Although it may seem like the same thing, a corporate web portal usually implies access via username and password.
A commercial portal, on the other hand, is usually open to everyone, that is, most of the content is public. However, you can apply private access through login in some sections if you wish.
The difference in the eyes of the user is minimal, but all the work is in the back, that is to encrypt the connections and data according to specific security rules. Rules that must be studied well as the evolution in the field of hacking is as fast as the evolution of technology itself.
The production of websites takes place through specific programming languages, and each portal has its own requirements.
For example, an e-commerce can have data inside sensitive data, such as credit card data, and it is therefore good to rely on a programmer expert in the construction of a web portal, this to avoid anomalies or theft of data in a future. Situation that would put the brand at a disadvantage.
The sites we create are designed with paper and pen, the layout is drawn on sheet and then transported digitally.
Once it is digitally presented it is presented to the client who promotes it, or changes are made. Once the layout is promoted, that is the “how will the site”, you start to program it and make it “clickable”.
During the creation phase a test server will be placed where the customer can at any time try the product up to that moment. Only in the final phase when the client approves the project, we go into production.
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